I've already mentioned that sweeping is no joke here in Mexico. When I run in the morning I have to avoid the dust clouds as people sweep the sidewalk in front of their home. NPH is no exception, they have embraced the strong culture of sweeping. The kids sweep multiple times per day as part of their chores. When I moved into my room here there was a sturdy broom greeting me at my door. It even had my name on it. Every weekday morning at 7:45 I join my sweeping team to tackle a section of the outdoor patios. I am no stranger to the broom. At a very young age I would sweep the sidewalks after my dad would pass by with lawnmower. One of his sayings was, "Take pride in your work". But I can't compete with Mexican people, it's in their genes. I've been studying my compadres' technique and I feel like I'm getting better every day. I think once I master it, there is potential for it to be a form of meditation. There's a book called
Peace Is Every Step by Tich Nat Han, which I've read several times. The first section of the book focuses on the art of breathing and performing every day tasks with mindfulness. One of the reflections is on scything. He talks about learning to cut the grass in front of his hermitage while coordinating his breath with the movement of the scythe. I think about this a lot while I swing the broom.
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