This will be my second post about food in a row. Maybe its because I feel full right now, which seems to be a rarity these days. My theory is that it's the size of the meals. Lunch is always very substantial and then dinner's light. Which is an adjustment for me. Tonights dinner was a roll and a cup of arroz con leche (this sweet milk/rice combination with cinnamon). But in honor of the Super Bowl, some of the volunteers cooked up some tacos with all the fixin's, not to mention brownies and a big Corona. The game was broadcast on one of the local channels.
Amongst the kids, it doesn't get any better than chicharron. Chicharron is pork skin that is fried and seasoned. There's a little snack shop that sells it at night, and it seems to be a top seller...always with hot sauce (sometimes in the shape of a smiley face). This weekend there was an activity that involved groups coming up with a cheer and a dance. The winners were treated to chicharron with cheeze, tomatoes, hot sauce and chunks of ham. The little guy above is proudly displaying his creation. He was in hog heaven...get it.
Oh, how i miss your corny jokes.