Me and Choco Krispis go way back. My parents have taken a yearly trip to Mexico every winter for probably last 25 years. In fact, they'll be heading to Cozumel next week. They would always fly home late on a Saturday night after we had gone to sleep. The next morning was almost like Christmas because of the excitement of seeing them and because they would bring us souvenirs. Some of the presents were pretty standard, like a set of maracas or a t-shirt with a fish that said "Mr. Barry Cuda...Cozumel, Mexico". But they would also bring us "Mexican brand" stuff, like Mexican Coke and little boxes of Choco Krispies. It was so weird that the Coke can had the ingredients in Spanish and it tasted different...a little spicy or something. It was so funny that they called Cocoa Krispies, Choco Krispis. We would savor them, partly because they would never buy us "sugar cereal" normally and partly because it was "Mexican cereal".
Little did I know then that I would have access to a lifetime supply of Choco Krispis (see Cereal for Life post). As volunteers they allow us to take certain foods from the kitchen for the times when we are hungry after meals (for me it tends to be nighttime). One of the staples is cereal and milk. Kelloggs must have a serious excess of Choco Krispis because that's all we've been getting lately. I have to admit I don't savor it like I used to, but tonight I will in honor of this blog post.
good memories