In other news, I became adopted by the 8th grade boys at the house. They invited me to eat with them and then to check out their living quarters (2 of them are in the middle picture). They showed me their lockers with posters of their favorite soccer teams, pictures of their girlfriends and t-shirts of their favorite pro wrestlers. They seem like a good group for me, they're young enough to be goofy but old enough to hold a conversation.
There was a Miss/Mr. NPH activity tonight that one of the other volunteers came up with. I wish I had a video because my description won't do it justice. All the grade levels competed in different categories: formal wear, sports wear, casual wear and talent (most of them danced). We put a bunch of tables together to make a runway. These kids crack me up. Dan was one of the judges, in the picture he is crowning Miss NPH, who was one of the littler ones.
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