Yesterday all 16 volunteers took a retreat together. It was the first time all of us were able to go on a social outing together because usually we alternate work weekends. We spent the day in Xochimilco, which is the south part of Mexico City. It's known for its canals that flow through the borough. Its most famous attraction are the Xochimilco boat rides. We all piled onto one boat and our driver propelled us though the canals using a huge stick. A whole economy exists along the canal. Boats of mariachis will pull up alongside you to serenade you. Old women in canoes prepare beers with chili and salt, complete with blessings. They're a little expensive, but supposedly they're worth it. I even saw a guy boiling water for corn on the cob using an open fire on his wooden canoe. The atmosphere amongst the boat riders ranges from a relaxing picnic vibe to party boat style. We chose the party route and had a lot of fun together. I even took part in the all-guy shirtless beer shotgun ritual. There was more than one comment of surprise from the women folk that an old man like myself would partake in such college-like shenanigans. But I did just fine after a little orientation. Good people and good old fashion fun...not my typical "nice little Sunday", but luckily I'm not too much worse for the wear on this Monday afternoon.